Clutch Engineering offers reliable brakes and clutches from Logan Clutch. We are experienced at providing product support, while supplying top-quality industrial power transmission products, such as those from Logan Clutch. We are proud to feature their wet and dry clutches and brakes as well as PTO-style clutches. Our Applications Engineers can give technical support to make sure that you are getting the right parts for your mechanical applications. Logan’s modern, state-of-the-art facility is well equipped with the technology, tools and know how required to keep pace with the rapidly-changing clutch and brake industry. Engineers, technicians and an expert team of product specialists control the manufacturing process from start to finish.
Family owned and operated since 1975, Logan offers a comprehensive selection of hydraulically or pneumatically actuated industrial clutches and brakes for various wet and dry clutch applications. Logan’s design, development and manufacturing processes are efficient, flexible and continually evolving. They are at the head of clutch and brake technology and they can respond to customer needs with solutions that deliver durability, serviceability, and economy.
These high standards of production quality create products that can meet the needs of mechanical applications for a variety of industrial operations. Based on your requirements, Clutch Engineering is equipped to provide dependable solutions for new and existing applications. Logan Clutch products are compatible with many specialized use cases, such as transmissions and Z-drives in the marine industry, drawworks in the oil & gas industry, tree chippers in the lumber industry, and others. Contact our team for more information about these product offerings, we are happy to provide more information to help you optimize your mechanical systems and achieve your technological goals.
Clutch Engineering offers Logan CH clutches and brakes, with options for convenient self-lubrication. These products can be air or hydraulically actuated and can be used for either wet or dry operation. Type CH clutches are also approved by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). When using these parts, pressurizing the actuating cylinder causes the clutch’s discs to clamp. Torque is then transferred from the disc pack to the splined drive ring. These products can feature self-lubricating seals that help to reduce downtime and decrease costs. The cylinder housing for these products also feature enhanced corrosion resistance.
Torque range: 49,000 to 1,280,000 lb-in (5,532 to 144,000 Nm)
Typical applications: Marine propulsion, mooring winches, mine hoisting equipment, mining conveyors
Logan Self-Adjusting Bell Housing PTO Clutches are built for dry operation and higher horsepower, speeds, torque ranges and actuation pressures to suit your needs. Logan’s effective design for bell housing clutches eliminates mechanical linkages, hand levers, and yokes. They can also be mounted directly onto the flywheel of a diesel or gasoline engine. These Self-Adjusting Bell Housing PTO Clutches are available with or without pilot bearings and additional modified configurations are available to meet your unique requirements.
Torque range: 1,908 to 89,676 lb-in (216 to 10,133 Nm)
Typical applications: Industrial drives/gensets, mobile equipment, marine propulsion/auxiliary drives, rock crushers
Logan SAE Series Power Take-off (PTO) clutches are are ideal for in-line shaft and pump pad applications. These specially designed products are air or hydraulically actuated and are self-adjusting. They are also constructed to provide smooth engagement and disengagement. SAE or ISO mounting flanges are also available, with optional shaft adapters for Dana and DIN flanges.
Additional features: Self-adjusting disc pack, bore and key configurations
Torque range: 2,400 to 18,000 lb-in (271 to 2,034 Nm)
Typical applications: Single and multi-station pumps, mobile or stationary auxiliary drives, direct drives, winches, reels, hoists