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As specialists in the field of brakes, clutches and controls, our engineers have helped solve thousands of problems. Take a look at some of our real life stories to see how we can better help you.

Brake Problem Solved

See how we helped a Paper Company reduce replacement parts for their air cooled drum-style brake system AND lower down time for repairs.

Better Control, Less Maintenance

See how we helped a Steel Company with a tension control and leaking water cooled brakes in an annealing furnace, redesigning the braking system and lowering repair down time.

Simple Solutions Work Best

See how we can help you with water cooled equipment.

Engineered Breakdown Retrofit

This real situation highlights Clutch Engineering customer service.  A retrofit of a replacement motor is engineered by Clutch.

More Production, Less Maintenance

This brake problem caused much production down time on a mechanical press.  See how we solved this costly problem.