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ModEvo Tension Brake

Clutch Engineering provides Wichita ModEvo tension brakes for use with light duty and medium duty tensioning applications. These high-quality products are modular, and they can operate at high line speeds while still giving smooth control. Their advanced design is optimized to achieve high heat dissipation at low speeds, with the use of cooling air. This method for heat dissipation is possible in either rotational direction. A cooling fan can also be integrated into your system for enhanced heat dissipation capabilities. Included discs are manufactured to be the same thickness and each uses the same brake modules and actuators. Each disc can be specified with a minimum of one module, up to the maximum number of modules that can be fit around the disc.

Available in five sizes: 250 mm, 300 mm, 350 mm, 400 mm and 450 mm diameters
Torque range – 12 to 38,000 lb-in (1 to 4,293 Nm)
Typical applications – Light and medium duty Tensioning Applications
