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LKB Brakes

These Industrial Clutch LKB brakes feature high-quality non-asbestos lining materials. In these products offered by Clutch Engineering, maximum areas ensure excellent heat dissipation, uniform stopping distances, and long lining life. Industrial Clutch LKB brakes are spring-set, and air or hydraulically released. This design offers a wide range of torque capacities and release pressures, with total attention given to maximizing ventilation for dissipating large thermal loads. Longest possible spline length is incorporated on the brake discs to maximize the load-carrying capacity. Additional benefits include stable friction coefficients and lower maintenance costs.

Torque range – 4,500 to 1,360,000 lb-in (508 to 153,659 Nm)
Typical applications – – Presses, Shears, Bulk Material Handling and General Industrial Equipment
