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TurboGuard Smart Starters

TDI’s TurboGuard is a very useful product that can sense the possibility of foreign substances that can harm your equipment. This great product from Clutch Engineering instantly detects the presence of fluids or other harmful obstructions in the cylinders during the start sequence. Hydrolock damage can typically occur when an engine is started with coolant in a cylinder. This can be an issue for marine vessels and rarely used engines as well. If an issue is detected, the starter proceeds to automatically shut down the starting process before damage occurs. These important detection and safety capabilities provide the protection you need against the occurrence of hydrolock engine damage. The issue of hydrolock is not a new discovery. In fact, this problem has been causing issues for engine manufacturers for many years. After testing the TurboGuard system on their own laboratory engines and seeing its incredibly quick responsiveness, TurboGuard was then tested with a larger group of laboratories. This group was comprised of engine manufacturers’ laboratories located around the world. The test results proved 100% positive at every location.

Typical applications include: workboats and marine engines, engines with long periods between starts, engines with remote starts
