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TurboFlow Air Regulators

Clutch Engineering offers the TDI TurboFlow air regulator. This TurboFlow Air Regulator enables the possibility of using smaller air tanks, for space saving benefits on marine vessels, generation sets, or other tight space applications. This product minimizes the pressure drop to the starter “in a dynamic manner” under various high flow conditions. That’s how the high Cv factor on the TurboFlow makes more useable air pressure available in the tank. This translates to greater air flow delivered to the air starter motor, even at low pressures. It also means more starts on a fixed air volume. Lower stored air pressures reduce stress on compressors which leads to longer uninterrupted service and additional benefits to your bottom line. Longer uptime is an improvement to system reliability.

Operating range: 50 to 580 psig (3.5 to 40 BAR)
