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Pump Driveshafts

Cardan Driveshafts

Dana Spicer is one of the most trusted names in cardan shafts. Spicer cardan shafts allow torque to be transmitted across a greater angle than that allowed by flexible couplings. Adjustable length gives flexibility when mounting the driveshafts. Torque range: 400 to 5,000 lb-ft (542 to 6,779 Nm) Typical applications: Steel mill machinery, paper mill machinery, pumps, amusement rides, marine propulsion, wastewater treatment

Gewes Cardan Driveshafts

Gewes cardan shafts are high quality, low maintenance, and reliable. They transmit torque while allowing for misalignment between driving and driven shafts. With a variety of sizes, lengths, angles, slips, and flanges available, Gewes cardan driveshafts can meet the specific needs of nearly any application. Torque range: 73 to 165,951 lb-ft (100 to 225,000 Nm) Typical applications: Steel mill machinery, paper mill machinery, pumps, amusement rides, marine propulsion, wastewater treatment


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